Ball Machines
The Club has two Lobster Pickleball ball machines for use by its members and by the teaching staff. One is stored at the East Center while the other is stored at the Pickleball Center.
To become certified, sign up for one of the monthly training sessions on PickleballPlus under Events. Signups will be open 30 days in advance of the training date. Prior to attending the training session, read the Lobster Instructions and view the Lobster Maintenance 101 and Dust/Leaf Blower videos. These will be covered during the 90-minute training session.
Once you have taken the class, you will be added to the certified Lobster Group allowing you to reserve either Lobster.
These reservations are completed at Pickleball Plus after logging on as member then clicking on Courts and selecting either "Lobster@East Center" or "Lobster@PC-CT17" from the dropdown list.
When you signup to use one of the Lobsters, you will get a confirmation email that contains the lock code you will need to gain access to the storage room where the Lobster is kept.
The "Lobster Pickle Two Manual" link is available (below) for you to read and become familiar with it.